What Sets D1 Training Apart?


Fitness franchises are a crowded space, but D1 Training is head-and-shoulders above the competition. It seems like new fitness franchises are popping up in neighborhoods and shopping centers all over the place, and with good reason. The fitness industry in America is booming, with more than 34,000 fitness centers and 5 billion visits to the gym last year alone.

But not all fitness franchises are created equally. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular sports franchise brands, what they offer clients, and, more importantly, what they offer franchise owners:

What Sets D1-Apart

No other sports franchise provides the diversity of options, the wide market, and the strong community integration that every D1 Training franchise delivers. When it comes to sports and athletic franchises, D1 Training represents the pinnacle of training and workouts for every athlete, regardless of where they are in their development.

Notes: 1 https://www.franchisehelp.com/industry-reports/fitness-industry-report

What Our Franhisees Have to say

Kevin Engelbrecht, Franchisee in Dallas, TX


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